While safety compliance is not easy, it can be simple. At 3836 Safety, we apply what we call the 6 E’s of Simple Safety Solutions.
While the 6 E’s are more detailed than the traditional Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) of the Lean “Deming Circle” for Continuous Improvement, it is more people oriented than process alone, and employees embrace the inherent value in being Educated and Equipped.
Of necessity, there is a C & I to follow: Correct and Improve.
First, there must be engagement. Employees’ attention must be focused on safety first, not safety as an after thought. In fact, safety, through effective planning and following the plan, is the first tool for every employee. Every employee must sense and feel their value as the most important asset through the buy-in from the top of the management chain all the way down to the floor level employees. Then the employees will become more and more engaged.
Once a person’s or team’s attention is gained, appropriate information must be given to educate. Education encompasses the “whats” the “how’s” and the “why’s”, and when delivered efficiently, education will pique the interest and drive questions from the students. Of course, we focus on safety education (training), but job and task education (training) is equally important.
Investment in the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and tools is the next step. Quality work and Safe work go hand in hand.
Did you know that OSHA requires training for every type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) employers provide? I have randomly asked employees, individually and in groups, if they know how to properly place earplugs in their ears. Well over half of the employees I engage do not use proper technique.
Once you have Engaged and Equipped your employees, it is vitally important that they are trusted to do their jobs with safety as the priority. There are at least two negative consequences associated with not trusting your employees. One is work progress impairment, and the other is that distracted workers are not able to work safely.
Among skilled and unskilled workers, the fastest way to slow them down is to treat the workers like they can’t be trusted by micromanaging their every move – seeming as though they are being watched to get caught doing something wrong. The less they do, the less mistakes they can make while they are being watched. Plus, if they are watching out for the leadership more than they are watching where their hands are in respect to their work, this is the formula for accidents.
Empower your people and trust them to perform.
High expectations are the result of high standards, and produce positive results. When your employees are engaged, educated, equipped and empowered, you have every right – and responsibility – to EXPECT a maintained safe work environment and proper performance.
The sixth E: Evaluation, is very important, and this is best accomplished through Behavior Based Safety Observations, Audits and Inspections. Again, the employee team must be engaged and educated in this process, as well. Everyone gets observed and audited, even the office and management teams. This ensures that the Engagement buy-in is demonstrated at every level.